February 4, 2024

The Cost of Prawning in Singapore: 2024 Pricing Guide

Planning a prawning trip to Singapore? Check out our 2024 Pricing Guide for the current cost of prawning in Singapore. Don't miss out on experiencing this popular recreational activity!

The Cost of Prawning in Singapore: 2024 Pricing Guide

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  1. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur rhoncus ullamcorper ullamcorper
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  3. Posuere enim mi pharetra neque proin vulputate blandit ultrices
  4. Blandit sapien in habitasse arcu in interdum diam diam interdum.

1. Burger Bar & Grill

Sollicitudin rhoncus ullamcorper ullamcorper venenatis sed vestibulum eu quam pellentesque aliquet tellus integer curabitur pharetra integer et ipsum nunc et facilisis etiam vulputate blandit ultrices est lectus vulputate eget urna, non sed lacus tortor etamet sed sagittis id porttitor parturient posuere.

Posuere enim mi pharetra neque proin vulputate blandit ultrices

2. Eagle French Cafe

Eget lorem dolor sed viverra ipsum nunc aliquet bibendum felis donec et odio pellentesque diam volutpat lorem commodo sed egestas aliquam sem fringilla ut morbi tincidunt augue interdum velit euismod eu tincidunt tortor aliquam nulla facilisi aenean sed adipiscing diam donec adipiscing ut lectus arcu bibendum at varius vel non pharetra nibh venenatis cras sed felis eget.

  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur fringilla ut morbi tincidunt.
  • Mauris aliquet faucibus iaculis dui vitae ullamco neque proin vulputate interdum.
  • Posuere enim mi pharetra neque proin  bibendum felis donec et odio.
  • Posuere enim mi pharetra neque proin aliquam mauris at viverra id mi eget.
“Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit pellentesque pellentesque tincidunt amet vitae ac in vestibulum massa ullamcorper molestie sit pharetra.”
3. L’ardoise Bistro

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4. Anchor Seafood Market

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Are you an avid prawning enthusiast looking to enjoy a relaxing day of fishing in Singapore? If so, it's essential to know the cost of prawning at different locations. In this comprehensive 2024 pricing guide, we'll break down the rates for three popular prawning spots in Singapore and help you plan your next exciting prawning adventure. 

Prices at various locations

Please note that the prices mentioned in this article are subject to change, so it's best to visit the official websites of these prawning locations for the most accurate and up-to-date pricing information.

Hai Bin Prawning

Hai Bin Prawning, located in multiple locations across Singapore, offers a range of prawning packages to cater to different preferences and budgets. Let's dive into their 2024 rates:

  • 1-Hour Session: For a quick prawning session, you can expect to pay $24 per hour at Hai Bin Prawning. This option is perfect if you're looking to experience prawning without committing to a lengthy session.
  • 2-Hour Session: If you want to spend more time enjoying the prawning experience, Hai Bin Prawning offers a 2-hour session for $44. Not only do you get double the prawning time, but they also throw in an additional 1 hour for free, giving you a total of 3 hours of prawning fun.
  • 10-Hour Card: For the ultimate prawning adventure, consider purchasing a 10-hour card at Hai Bin Prawning. Priced at $128, this card is valid for 6 months, allowing you to visit multiple times and make the most of your prawning experience.

Punggol Riviera Prawning

Another excellent prawning location in Singapore is Punggol Riviera Prawning. Here are their rates for 2024:

  • 1-Hour Session: At Punggol Riviera Prawning, a 1-hour prawning session costs $18. This option is ideal if you're short on time or simply want to dip your toes into the world of prawning.
  • 2-Hour Session: If you prefer a more extended prawning experience, you can opt for the 2-hour session at Punggol Riviera Prawning, priced at $28. Spending two hours immersed in the joy of prawning allows for more catch opportunities and relaxation.
  • 3-Hour Session: For those seeking an even more leisurely prawning outing, Punggol Riviera Prawning offers a 3-hour session at a cost of $33. This extended session provides ample time to unwind, catch some prawns, and enjoy the serene environment.

ATC Fishing Village

Located near Jurong East, ATC Fishing Village is another popular prawning destination. Let's explore their pricing for 2024:

  • 1-Hour Session: At ATC Fishing Village, a 1-hour prawning session is priced at $20. This option offers a quick escape from the bustling city life, allowing you to relax and indulge in the art of prawning.
  • 3-Hour Session: If you're looking to spend more time prawning, ATC Fishing Village provides a 3-hour session for $36. This package includes an additional 1 hour for free, giving you a total of 4 hours to enjoy the tranquil surroundings and perfect your prawning skills.

Planning Your Prawning Adventure:

Now that you are aware of the prawning rates offered by Hai Bin Prawning, Punggol Riviera Prawning, and ATC Fishing Village in 2024, it's time to plan your prawning adventure. Here are a few tips to make the most of your experience:

  1. Do Your Research: Visit the official websites of these prawning locations to check for any updates or changes in pricing before heading out. This ensures that you have the most accurate information at hand.
  2. Consider Location: Choose a prawning spot that is convenient for you. While Hai Bin Prawning has multiple locations across Singapore, Punggol Riviera Prawning and ATC Fishing Village are situated in Punggol and Jurong East, respectively. Selecting a location near your place of residence can save you travel time and make your outing more enjoyable.
  3. Timing is Key: Prawning spots can get crowded during peak periods, especially on weekends and public holidays. Consider visiting during weekdays or off-peak hours to avoid large crowds and maximize your prawning experience.
  4. Plan Your Duration: Depending on your availability and budget, choose a prawning session that suits your needs. Whether you opt for a 1-hour, 2-hour, or 3-hour session, ensure you have ample time to enjoy prawning without feeling rushed.
  5. Bring Necessary Equipment: While most prawning spots provide basic prawning equipment, it's always a good idea to bring your own fishing gear, including a fishing rod and bait. This ensures you're well-prepared and ready to catch some prawns.
  6. Follow Etiquette: When prawning, remember to practice responsible fishing. Release any non-edible catch back into the water and clean up after yourself to maintain the cleanliness of the prawning locations.

Final Thoughts:

As you plan your prawning adventure in Singapore, knowing the cost of prawning at various locations in 2024 can help you make an informed decision. Whether you choose Hai Bin Prawning, Punggol Riviera Prawning, or ATC Fishing Village, each location offers a unique experience for prawning enthusiasts. So, gather your fishing gear, invite your friends or family, and embark on a memorable prawning escapade. Happy prawning!

Please note that the pricing mentioned in this article is accurate at the time of writing but is subject to change. It is advised to visit the official websites of the prawning locations for the latest pricing information.

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